Where madness becomes sanity…
Where Art meets insanity onto a whole new level. We been establishing different BJD arts styles focusing on out of the norm styles and adapting new flexibility standards. Out of the normal, is our normal. Welcome to the crew ~!
Dare to be different
Rascals and Rebels live outside the worldly norm where beuty is the standart. Here In TPP we aim to relaease some crazy and challenging desings where imagination rules it all and sky is the limit. Do you dare to dream ?

Meet the boys
Jaxx & Nitro
The main pairing of the crew. The Incubi Boys always out for troubble
Linx & Rouge
The FIrst released Pairing for the Crew. These are are the first Casted Rebels
Elliot and Devin
Devils Devils Devils
Oliver and Aziel
Is complicated
Will be worth the wait :D
Comming SOON ~
Will be worth the wait