Our Story…
Jean is a Taino decent artist, born and Raised in Puerto Rico, La Isla del encanto - where he grew up in the subberbs of a small Tropical Island. Eldest of the household and with a mind full of wonder since a very young age, he Graduated out of a Catholic Private school, and then Studied in the University of Puerto Rico, where he went in to study enviormental Sciences, but quickly learned that their passion resided on expresive arts, and changed their mayor to CInematography and Britanic Lit with a minor in Graphic arts, Animation - photography and desing, where they completed their studies right before leaving the home land into new adventrues.
The island, as small as it was, made the young artist want to explore deeper into different artistic fields, as their thirst to learn more and grow as an artist continued
The Madnesscrew was establshied when Jean, its creator, moved to the United States mainland in search of a new start in 2012. Dolls and other minuatures have always been a curiosity that they seemed inclined to mixed with their passion towards mixed art, animation and the vibe of the underground styles common on both the Caribean, America and some Asian countries.
It was not long before they found themselves insterested and joining the BJD hobby in hopes of finding a creatiave outlet that involved all medias that they seemed inclined in participating in.
From collecting, to modding, customizing and eventually becoming a” jack of all trades “ in the hobby, Jean decided to take the next step into the BJD world, Doll and Prop creating using a 3D printer and digital software.
In 2020 Jean began making smaller props, Horns, ears and other small creations as they learned the hoops and wonders of the 3D sculpting universe alongside the way to navigate sculpting programs. Starting with Blender, and later on testing Nomad and most recently Zbrush.
Yet in his endevours Jean is not alone. During summer of 2021 , Jean established a frienship and partnership with NamihuBJDCreatures and thus the first Rascal of all was born. Bandit - the Raccoon.
Bandit is the mascot of the shop, and the oldest of the TPP sculpts. After that Jean and Franyely have made over a dozen of Sculpts, props and desings making Trash Panda Prints a unique space where little monsters roam the lands, and we are always down to try something new.
While not working on TPP, Jean spends most of his days with his hands busy afterhours creating characters, stories and customizing dolls to the point they become as alive as their creator. Jean works on smaller proyects for fellow collectors alongside his own personal crew that currently stands around a population of 180 members not including his little ones of the 4 leg kind .
Be it what may, Jean is always being a devious trash panda plotting his next desing from the first draft all the way to the finish 3D version BJD doll of such character.
So stay a while, and join the madness… you might find the perfect little fiend to suit your fancy in these parts.